
Punk Music and Fashion Trends

Musicians have the power to impact the fashion industry through their lyrics, music videos, or live performances. From creating fashion trends to establishing their own brands, artists have been indirectly ruling the fashion industry. Artists like Kanye West, Rihanna, Justin Bieber, to name a few, have their own clothing lines. It is very rare to […]


Why do Indian Films have songs?

Music has always been a huge part of Indian culture. What sets our music apart from others is that the majority of the music we listen to comes from movies. Songs have almost been the essence of Indian cinema since the beginning of time. We’ve all listened to blockbuster hits, day in and out, but […]


Donda Review

Kanye West is one of the most enigmatic artists of our time. From recording a Gospel album to his sneaker brand and his controversial political opinions, he’s everywhere. An artist with several critically acclaimed multiplatinum albums and collaborations with The Weeknd and Jay-Z, where does Donda lie in all this? The name says it all. […]


My Journey With Indian Classical Music

“Music is everywhere. It’s in the air between us, waiting to be sung.” ― David Levithan Music exists everywhere in different forms. From Classical Mozart compositions to Zoroastrian music from Persia, there are over 1300 styles of this art. Many like Jazz, Country, and Rock are famously known all around the world. However, several forms […]